Tuesdays are our family day, where I don't have to work and the girls don't have to go to the gym or any other activities in the evening. We scheduled our puppy classes for this night since we're all together.
Tonight we had our first one. It went pretty well, although I kind of had forgotten a lot that I thought I had remembered! Sully did great, although he does a lot of leash tugging and wants to visit with the other dogs to play soooo badly. The instructor does give them 10 minutes at the end of class to do that. There is the most adorable golden retriever puppy in the class. The instructor isn't really all that bad looking either ;).
Emma had her bday celebration at LCG today. It was nice. She took banana tofu muffins and her baby book so she could share some baby pictures. Then I hung out with some moms in the lounge until it was time to go. We usually play outside for awhile, but holy cow it was cold. Yesterday it hit 60, and it was about 14F when we left at 4 p.m. today. Now it's snowing and blowing like crazy. It's disgusting!
David and I started a dialogue about visitation today. It went well I think. He is going to dinner with us on Friday night for E's bday. I still haven't seen his apartment but he gave us an invite to come and check it out whenever we have a chance.
We all went to Dick's Sporting Goods the other day because one of their stores is going out of business. We picked up a chin up bar for Emma as one of her presents and I got the rest of the archery stuff I wanted to buy her. Then we got rock climbing harnesses and chalk and chalk bags for both girls. They really want to take a class, so I am going to check out the local climbing place and try to find a time to sign us up. I think it's probably cheaper to rent climbing shoes at this point, since their feet grow so fast and they are about $70/pair from what I saw. Ouch!
I've been doing a better job cooking this week. I had been getting slack with the menu thing, and I did one this week and I feel much more organized, although I'm still hellishly behind on laundry. Oh, well. Can't win 'em all, I guess.
I'm thinking about having Soren visit the next older class at LCG. I feel like the one she's in is too young for her, but she's not complaining, so I wouldn't move her until next year, assuming that we do the program again. Both girls seem to really want to, so we probably will.
Jude is really rocking on his hands and knees and making small stabs at moving forward. He is eating like "where the heck were ya'll hiding the bananas, anyway?" He is loving food. Again, kind of mixed emotions about that.
I've been feeling very ... icky all week. I hate ovulating and my cycles aren't really regular yet. I ovulated last Wednesday and am still feeling really hormonal and my body feels yucky. I hate it. Jude is still waking just about every hour between midnight/1 a.m. and morning. Tom usually takes him around 5 or 6 so I can get a couple hours in a row, but the last 2 or 3 nights I've been having really bad/ crazy dreams. Yesterday I just got up around 7 a.m., because I couldn't bear the thought of having any more bad dreams. I woke up crying from one and that was it for me.
I'm starting to fray around the edges a bit with the sleep deprivation. I'm having a hard time staying organized and remembering things. Work is really hard to get motivated about, especially at that time of day (evenings).
Enough blathering...