In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Soren is *still* sick. Her fever goes back up everytime the Motrin wears off. I wouldn't be too worried about it, but her throat really hurts a lot, so I'm mostly giving the ibuprofin for pain relief at this point. Lots of popsicles and stuff to keep her happy. She was very croupy yesterday but it's back to a mostly dry cough now. Poor kid. She is pretty miserable. Her appetite is nil also.

Tom *still* has a headache. He didn't get out of bed till yesterday and then overdid it and ended up back in bed by 8p.m. with another headache from hell. If he is not much improved tomorrow I am going to insist that he go to the doctor as well. This has been going on since Wednesday night.

Jude is fine. He has learned how to crawl, can sit up from hands and knees and sat for 45 minutes today playing! He can also get back on to his hands and knees from sitting, and is starting to try to pull up on things already! He is sooo cute :).

We had Easter dinner here today. Big turnout, which was lovely. Tom's mother provided the food and we cooked it. We made sweet potates in the Nesco cooker, ham and a special mashed potato recipe in our oven, asparagus, corn and crescent rolls. Then she brought a key lime pie and a strawberry pie for dessert. Yummy!

There were the 5 of us, plus my BIL and SIL, Brian and Karen and Catherine and David. The food was good, everyone got along, and the kitchen is clean, no thanks to me. Tom wouldn't let me do a dish, despite his headache. I took the dog for a long walk instead. He's been kind of neglected the last week from me taking care of sick people!

We're going to watch Mean Girls tonight and we watched Chicago last night. I rejoined Netflix and have been having fun perusing their site. Getting lots of educational videos for the girls too. Fun!


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