In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Yesterday was hairy. I worked from 9:45 to 12:15 p.m., ran to Danielle's, worked there till 2 p.m., then the school called when I was on my way home, hoping for a quick nap, to tell me that Soren was in the nurse's office with a fever and a sore throat. I headed to school, meanwhile calling the doctor's office that has been giving me the runaround with accepting us as new patients.

Being under the gun, so to speak, they decided to take us on, and asked if I could have Soren there at 2:45 p.m. since strep is going through her classroom! Great! I got to school, picked up both kids, since I wouldn't make it home in time to meet Emma at the bus stop, called my boss to let him know I might be late, and rushed off to Irondequoit (the neighboring suburb) to take her to the doctor.

They got us in and out, ran a rapid strep, which was negative and will send it out. Then I ran home, Soren fell asleep, grabbed a bunch of food, threw Emma and Soren back into the car and drove to work. The poor kid had a fever of 102.5F, so I dosed her with Advil and we went to work and I parked her in the office with her sleeping bag, some yogurt and a water bottle while I ran out to teach my class. She fell asleep immediately and slept till Tom picked her up at 6:30ish.

I worked till 8:30 p.m., ran home, let Emma eat dinner and we all collapsed. Today I have Soren home with me and have to take her to work with me this morning. Emma has opted to go to the in-laws for dinner tonight instead of coming to the gym but Soren hasn't decided yet.

I'm ready for a nap already!


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