In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

More sickness

Tom has the stomach flu. Ugh. I'll admit right up front that I'm not a good nurse. I am sympathetic about people being sick but that's about as far as it goes. I don't relish dealing with sick adults. Kids are OK. When I get sick, I try to go to bed and just be alone and ask for a minumum of stuff- I just want to sleep until I feel better.

Anyway, it ended up screwing up the day. Tom tried to install the new fan in his truck this morning and it was the wrong thing. So he was supposed to meet the mechanic tonight to try a different one but then got sick. So he didn't work yesterday or today ,and won't work tomorrow because he's sick. And I'm worried because we're broke. Being self-employed and having to take time off isn't a good mix.

The other thing is that he told me to bring the kids by his parents on my way to work - that's where he was working on his truck when he started feeling nauseous, so he ended up staying there this afternoon because he was throwing up and didn't feel like he could drive home. But then he was too sick to bring Emma to the gym. So I had to leave the gym 10 minutes before Soren's gymnastics class was over (5:30 to 6:30), run and get Emma from the in-laws and trade Soren (Emma went there to eat dinner and Soren was to eat dinner next) and be back at the gym at 6:30 because I also had a class to teach. Plus the 5:30 p.m. teacher was late (Soren's teacher) so I ended up teaching the first half of her class. Gah!

Soren pitched a FIT when I dropped her off, but thankfully Tom's niece, Jasmine, was there, and of course this was the first time I met her. I looked terrible - no make up, sweats, my hair flying away out of its pony tail, and I fly in, drop off a screaming child and flee. I'm sure she thinks I'm an amazing catch ;).

Oh, the thankfully part is that Soren has hung out with Jasmine before and really likes her, so chilled as soon as I left, and Jasmine was doing a fantastic job of distracting her :). Tom's mother isn't any good at that at all.

So I get back to pick Soren up at 8:30 and Tom is still throwing up :(. He decided to just stay there, which makes me feel like a slacker wife and his mom is going to think that he doesn't trust me enough to take care of him, and also it makes ME feel like he'd rather have his mom than me in some ways :-/. I just keep telling myself that he IS really sick and getting in the car to drive over here is silly when he's going to be sick wherever he is. But I am creeped out here staying by myself and I'd rather have him here and be taking care of him, even if I'm not a good nurse. So there.

This also means I have to put the kids on the bus in the morning, and I'm praying that Soren doesn't balk. :::sigh:::

I also have to get to the grocery store tomorrow because we don't have food and I forgot to get cash to give the girls lunch money for tomorrow. Yeesh. Maybe I'll just drive them to school after all.


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