In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

School Angst

So Tom, Emma and I met with Emma's teacher, Mrs. M. after school yesterday. I actually thought it went pretty well although it was really hard on Emma. I hope it was worth it. Mrs M. and Emma were making a list of things that were the different and the same about her old school and her new one, and then they did the same about Mrs. M. and Tr. Tracey. That was hard for Emma. She's not the kind of kid who would willingly hurt someone's feelings unless it's her sister, so she didn't say too much, but we did get some things out in the open.

I really believe that a lot of what she doesn't like about the classroom is the inherent lack of respect for the children as people. Like, they are only allowed to sharpen their pencils in the morning. Now Mrs. M explained that if she *really* needed to, Emma could do it in the middle of the day, but that she should sharpen all her pencils in the morning so she wouldn't need to, because she couldn't have 26 kids using the electric pencil sharpener all day, which I can respect, but it's stuff like that that gets to Emma.

I also found out that they have a "stoplight" for behavior. So if you get on green, that's a warning, yellow, you better watch out and red is a time out. Emma is *terrified* of the thing. She would be mortified to have her name up there. Apparently she got to green one day for talking (not that that surprises me ) and has been disturbed by it ever since. I'm not a fan of public humiliation so I can totally understand her distaste for it. Apparently it's a school-wide system though. No fighting the system! Geez.

Emma also hates being asked to do work over - especially writing work. She figures she got it the first time so who cares if it's messy. I can relate, but...I can also see that she needs to work on her handwriting.

All in all her teacher was pretty freaking smarmy. Emma gave her a hug before we left, but it seemed forced. Mrs. M. just makes me want to gag. I don't know - she asked Emma if they could start over and try to be friends and Emma hesitantly agreed, but she wasn't buying it either. I guess we'll see how the next couple of weeks go and then evaluate again.

Soren, OTOH is really adjusting well and *cried* because there is no school on Friday (inservice) because she'll miss show and tell. LOL! I'm crying because that's my yoga day and I don't know what I'll do with them! I need to ask Elizabeth (my boss's daughter) if she'll babysit for a couple of hours I guess.

In other news, we got 7 inches of snow last night, there are accidents all over, but school goes on ;). I have to work this morning, but need to go finish my laundry :::sigh::: It seems like it never ends and it just keeps multiplying. I am *so* sick of it, yet feel guilty when Tom does it. I'm not used to sharing the load still, but it's getting easier. The living room is trashed again as usual too. Part of the problem is the huge BOX in the middle of the room that the kids are playing with. It's cool...but it's taking up all the space! And I'm tired of looking at my books in boxes. It's been 2 months. I'm about to take them in the basement and store them. I can't stand looking at them much longer. I also need to go to Target and get a baker's rack so I can put the last box of kitchen stuff away. There's just no room in the kitchen and I'm tired of the damn box sitting behind the table.

Also, I spent a lot of time organizing the basement into a play area for the kids - and they NEVER go down there. They don't watch TV, which is cool, but they also don't play with anything. I guess I should be flattered that they just want to hang out with me, help cook and read books ;). The whole bottom floor of this house might as well not exist as far as they're concerned.

OK, enough venting ;). I'm really not grumpy. I think I just feel physically out of sorts. I feel kind of constantly full and I have to get used to that pg. feeling again. I'll adjust.

Tom is already gone - off to his parents to dig out their driveway so his dad can go to PT and then he's off to finish a ceiling fan job and start a painting job. The fan in his truck died two days ago, so he has to install the new fan too, so his truck will defrost.


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