In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, January 22, 2004


I was up waaaay too late last night, but it was worth it. I had to get up early this morning, not only because I had to get the kids to school but because I had an appointment with the school counselor to discuss Soren, which I didn't end up really doing after all.

I ended up unburdening myself to this pleasant woman about Emma's teacher and how Emma is intimidated by her because of the way she screams at the kids (and admittedly, she apparently has some real "challenges" to deal with), but this is unacceptable. The counselor even admitted that she had seen some things in the classroom that concerned her, but that what I was reporting should be taken to the principal after I (oh joy of joys) talk to the teacher about it first. Yikes. So I have an appointment with the teacher tomorrow after school. Double Yoiks. I do give her credit for calling me right back this afternoon though.

The counselor said that if we can't work things out, that it may be possible to move Emma to a different class, but she likes a lot of the girls in her class, so I hate to do that to her.

Then we talked about Soren and how her teacher refused to conference with me when we moved here and how she is still having separation anxiety. She said that Soren seems "reserved and contained" at school, which worries me, because that's not how she is at home ;). she's apparently very cooperative, but she has no friends to speak of, not because the kids don't like her, but because she could really care two shits about other kids at all. She is like this at the gym too. She wants to be with me and only me and refused to interact with other kids. When kids *want* to play with her, like at the birthday party we went to in November, she didn't want to play with them. She never asks to go to anyone's house, never talks about having friends at school, etc. This is worrying to me. She also, although having improved her verbal perserveration, is now refolding her clothes when I pile them on her bed in the morning, prior to then unfolding them again, and putting them on. I'm getting worried that she has some sort of personality disorder, OCD, or early onset bipolar disorder. Gawd. My brain runs amok.

So, I want to talk to *Soren's* teacher too. But I think if I had my druthers, I'd homeschool Emma and keep Soren in kindergarten to see if her social skills improve (did I mention that she *never* talks about her feelings either?) but Soren would never ever ever in a million gazillion years go on that bus or to her classroom knowing that Emma was at home with me. It is all very frustrating and confusing.

Anyway, I talked more with the counselor about the way the school is teaching and my concerns with it and she agreed with all of them and totally supported me homeschooling although she said she'd love to see me get involved with the school and give input on the PTA. Which I would consider because I think the whole public school system here is fecking ridiculous and has been murdered outright by the No Child Left Behind lunacy. :::creeping off soapbox:::

In other news, I was at work for an extra hour while my boss prattled at me about nothing, but hey! That's an extra hour of money. AND I found out that he can help me get insurance! Woohoo! So his wife is going to bring in paperwork for me tonight and they can do it as a paycheck deduction, which rocks. ::::crossing fingers and toes:::

I'm going to prenatal yoga tomorrow for the first time too. I can't wait! The instructor is really cool. I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but she was the homebirth circle I attended last Sunday. And then, I'm off to PA for the weekend ::sigh:: Tom and I are going to see Cold Mountain while the girls are with their dad and Emma's going to have an overnight with a friend of hers and I want to go to church on Sunday. Yay! I miss the UU desperately.

There are more money woes happening with my house and insurance but I'm tired of thinking about them so I'm going to go put away the 4 loads of kids laundry waiting for me upstairs and then hopefully lay down for a few before the bus comes.


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