In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Friday, December 26, 2003

Well, Christmas is officially over. Now I get to drive to PA and spend a relaxing weekend hanging out while the girls visit family. They are staying overnight with Mike tonight and David asked me last night if they could stay Saturday night too so he could have an overnight. This is the first overnight visit he's had since I can't remember when - like sometime in the summer. I was a little taken aback, as we hadn't discussed it and he kind of dropped it on me, but I think it will go well.

So that means that Tom and I actually get a whole weekend to ourselves, woohoo! I want to take him to Zeno's tonight, and to stop by the Allen St. Grill and drive him around the campus, and take him out to Shingletown Gap and maybe up to Bear Meadows, depending on the roads. I'd also like to show him around Boalsburg, where I grew up, and who knows what else. If I can borrow a ladder, he's going to fix the siding on the house too.

We spent xmas with Tom's family yesterday and broke the wedding news to his brother and his girlfriend, Linda. She is recently separated and trying to file for divorce and got all emotional and happy/sad but we had a good chat about it afterwards. I felt sorry for her - I've felt that jealous feeling, not in the same circumstances, but it's not pleasant.

Then we opened presents and we ended up with a haul that neither of us were expecting. Tom got new boots and socks and a book and a map and wine and some other stuff. We got a window bird feeder with birdseed and I got wool socks and long underwear and the kids got really cool games and candy and stuff. Dinner was yummy and I had fun, since I haven't really spent that much time with his whole family together.

I swear, it was really the nicest holiday I've had in my life. No weird family stuff, no pressure, no running around. Just good food, relaxing conversation and laughing.

speaking of stress, I never heard from my mom yesterday, although I did talk to my dad and finalize dinner plans for tomorrow night. Well, I guess I better eat and finish packing and get everyone out of here, or we won't get there till midnight at the rate we're moving today ;)


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