In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Sunday, December 21, 2003

OMG, how could I not have posted anything since Thursday? Life is flying by. I worked my butt off all week, but on Wednesday we went shopping and got some very nice wedding bands that are white gold, with a raised edge - very simple but we both like them. Tom won't wear his much anyway, being a contractor. I'd rather have him with all fingers intact, thank you very much. He told me he's going to have his friend Tina make a leather necklace so he can wear it tight around his neck and then easily remove it to wear it on his finger for special occasions.

We talked about the ceremony and he was of course, so wonderfully cool about everything. I don't know why I worry about such things. His whole attitude was that Emma's feelings were way more important to him than any baggage he has about being private about this wedding because of his first horrible marriage and that he is perfectly willing to be the adult in this situation and have the girls be a part of it, which is just what I needed to hear.

Yesterday he worked in the morning and took Soren with him, all bundled up. Soren *freaked* for some reason when I had to go off to work and he had his hands full with her for awhile, but she eventually calmed down. He called me at one point asking me what he should do, and I basically told him to tough it out and put her in the car sans coat and boots if he needed to go and she would chill out. Geez, I thought that at age 5 she might be a bit more reasonable, but apparently not.

So in the afternoon, we went to The Outdoor Store, which sells all kinds of Carhartt ( stuff, and I'd link to it, but my link button tain't workin'. Good grief. He wanted to find me some warm clothes, but unfortunately they seem to have gone to selling stuff just for BIG men ;). I couldn't find flannal lined jeans in my size, but he did buy me a wonderful pair of boots that are the warmest things I've ever had on my feet. Not particularly stylish, but actually almost are, because they're so clunky and black, heh. They are waterproof and rated for -40F, so I can't imagine getting cold feet anytime soon. Is it a sign that he bought me this Solstice present right before our wedding day? I also got a pair of fleece socks :::swoon::: and some wool socks too. Then we went to Target and got some presents for the twins and my dad, and then we hit Gander Mountain ( and got a pair of pajama pants for Danielle's husband Mike, that have black labs on them, and a gift certificate for Bob, Tom's brother. Then we were going to go to Wegman's to put together a basket of stuff for Mike and Danielle, but it got late, and we actually had plans for a short date!

Tom's mom offered to babysit, because Bob was having a little holiday party and so we dropped the kids off for their first babysitting adventure with her, and Soren did *Just Fine* after stern words from me about how she was *Not* to freak out when we left and was to be on her best behavior ;). Which she was, but I think the candy canes and rental movies that Mrs. Hall had available worked better than my dire threats ;). Sooo... we ran home so I could change and I ended up having a *great* time, despite not knowing anyone except Bob and his girlfriend Linda.

We couldn't stay long, because Mrs. Hall goes to bed early but it was so good to get out and socialize a bit and the other guests were all very interesting and I was unusually outgoing and engaged in conversations - even started them! - but maybe that was the wine that fortified me.

Then we came home, got the kids in bed, and stayed up talking for quite some time.

Unfortunately, Soren woke me up crying at 6 a.m. and she has a fever of 101 and a sore throat and headache and gosh darnit, today is the Solstice party that Danielle is having and I still have to wrap presents, run to Wegman's, put up the tree that we got Friday night, make monkey bread and be at Danielle's by 1 p.m. or so. Argh. I guess I'll quarantine her upstairs with me in Danielle's bedroom, where there's a TV. Hopefully it's nothing major, because my wedding is tomorrow. good grief. Doesn't it just figure?

So, I have to run off to Wegman's now while Tom is still here and can watch the kids.


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