In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Sunday, December 21, 2003

My Roadrunner connection is acting all funky, and I lost my keys. It's driving me nuts because I've looked everywhere but I still can't find them and I know they have to be in this house somewhere.

Oh well.

We all went to Danielle's Solstice party tonight, which was wonderful and the girls had a good time, although Soren was pretty clingy and low key. She's still running a low grade fever, but seems to be mostly OK. We opened presents and I got a gift certificate to Old Navy and Tom got one for a restaurant, and we got a bottle of Boone's Melonball, which is yummy stuff, even it if *is* neon green.

We got Danielle a journal, Mike a pair of cool pj pants, and a really cool green and blue vase for both of them. We got the boys playdough and silly putty, as well as underwear with Nemo and some other character I can't remember now.

The girls *loved* their gifts. I read most of the first Junie B. Jones book to Soren and Emma *adored* her coat that i got her and is so excited about having a heating blanket, which she asked for. I also got her a bey blade, which she thought she wouldn't get for some reason and she got her money's worth out of it just today, with as much as she played with it. I had also picked up a bunch more books, including the 10th Lemony Snicket book of the Unfortunate Series of Events.

Danielle got them both clothes and mugs to decorate, as well as gift certificates to Toys R Us.

Dinner was fantastic, with squash with maple syrup and butter; ham; salad with artichoke hearts and all sorts of yummy stuff; stuffing with mushrooms and pine nuts and sherbet with dessert. We had a fascinating discussion about the origins of that word ;) which led into Shawn (Danielle's brother) talking about his Jeopardy! experience, which will air on 2/24. He came in second. Very cool.

It was very surreal in some ways, because I kept imagining myself back there a year ago when I didn't really know Tom and it was so amazing to look at what a year has wrought.

We didn't get to go for a walk on the pier, but Danielle thinks we should go tomorrow anyway since that's really Solstice. We shall see. We briefly talked about going to Ithaca for the day/night, which would be really fun. Danielle and Mike will keep the girls, so I know they're in good hands.

I'm sure there's all sorts of other things I could say about this day, but I'm being distracted by Tom ;). Suffice it to say that my heart overflows.


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