In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, April 30, 2005

work, work, work

It's been a busy week. I forgot to take Soren to her massage appointment yesterday because we have been so busy.

I took Jude to the dr. and she gave me an abx script and said to fill it if he wasn't better yesterday, which of course he was. I'm going to hang on to it for a few days, just in case. Little booger. He's much happier this morning.

I got to coach pre-team last night and had so much fun! Emma went to Buffalo with her coach and some other girls today to cheer on the Level 6 team at their State meet. She was so excited and so organized. She packed her little bag with her gameboy (btw, if anyone has any games that their kids have outgrown/don't want anymore, we only have 3!), her 20 questions game (thanks Jo, for reminding me to have her take that!), her homeopathic car sickness remedy, and money for food. She'll be gone all day.

Soren might go to Strong Museum this morning and then we're going to get her hair cut, and maybe mine. I can't decide. It's really long right now and it's kind of driving me nuts. I've been feeling so unattractive lately. I'm afraid that if I get it cut, though, that I'll hate it and feel even worse. I don't know what to do!

I want to take her to the mall anyway, because I found non-dairy sorbet at Maggie Moo's :)

We have Betsy the dog again and she is outside in the backyard rolling Sullivan around in the mud. So much for that bath I gave him two days ago! We really need to plant some grass out there and burlap it. They go right for the muddy spot, and Sully has started to dig a hole in it, damn dog.

Anyway, I have to work this morning. I am subbing for a coworker. Fun, fun!


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