In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

My dad

I have been, along with the assisted living facility, in denial about the state of my father's health for some months now. Unfortunately it has now come to a head and I'm going to need to move him into a locked facility due to his increasing dementia. It feels so wrong to me; I've tried for years to give him dignity and autonomy despite his brain damage, but now he can no longer keep himself safe and neither can the facility that loves him so much.

My days this week will be filled with trying to find a suitable placement for him. It's very sad. I talked with him today and he sounds so confused and stressed. Not himself.

Jude is still struggling with his cold. He's fussy and clingy. Poor little guy.

We have our first rock climbing class today. The girls are at Camp Arrowhead right now, so I'm trying to catch up on cleaning and laundry.

:::sigh::: I just feel so sad and depressed about my dad.


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