In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

kid stuff

Soren got her standing back handspring at gymnastics today. Huge accomplishment!

Jude learned how to clap - another huge accomplishment! He's also crawling faster and faster. We're teaching him how to climb off the end of the bed so he doesn't fall off, but he's not standing too well yet, so it'll be a while before he's ready to do that on his own.

At Camp Arrowhead, Soren studied rainbows. They did experiments with water and light, and milk and food coloring, and then they had their class about time. This week was pioneers. They made tin punches and dipped candles and were doing something with magnifying glasses when I got there. I suspect it was more to do with rainbows. Soren is *loving* these classes.

Emma's class played flag football and some other games and then learned how to make a shelter with a rope and sticks. She and Nat did a skit about theirs and discovered that they had made it on a hill and Emma rolled out when she laid in it!

Then we went to rock climbing for the first time. All the adults learned how to belay. Emma went up some high walls. Soren did about half of a wall a couple of times. She was hungry though and gave up after a bit. Next week I want to make sure she eats well on the way there so she can enjoy it more. Hopefully we'll get a chance to go in!

Emma's class did a play yesterday. St. Francis and the Wolf of Gubbio. Emma was the wolf. It was *amazing*. They did such a good and professional job with everything. Their lines were clearly enunciated and loud. I really enjoyed it!

Soren also got a new leotard today. She was so excited! She's growing out of her old ones and Emma's not ready to pass hers on yet. Eek, they're in the same size! Soren is looking so tall to me lately. She's changing a lot.

I met with her LCG teacher yesterday to discuss what to do about next year. She's the oldest one in her current class and part of me thinks she would be better served by being with kids closer to her age. She'd be the youngest in the next class up, but not by nearly as much as she is older in her current class.

We talked about the fact that Soren is emotinally immature - in some ways maybe she's stuck at 2.5 yo, when her dad and I separated. She doesn't articulate emotions at all and is really stunted in her ability to communicate about feelings at all or to problem solve people problems. So in some ways it would be nice for her to stay in her current class and work some of those things out. But on the other hand, she's really intellectually advanced and very good with her hands, so she would love the craftwork and music in the older class and has friends in that group.

Her teacher suggested that we try some craniosacral therapy to try to get some emotional releases in her body. I'm not sure how much I buy into it, but my friend Michelle does it, so we are going to do a few sessions and see what happens. Lynne also suggested doing a few sessions with a Wellness counselor she knows. I think it's worth a try. I see Soren at a very fragile place; she is transitioning out of the magic years towards 7 yo and she is growing and maturing, but I want her to have the skills she needs to navigate relationships and I don't want to screw up this very special time in her life.

So, we still dont' have an answer about our direction for next year, but I do know that we are going to try to resolve some of the things that may not be finished developing for Soren and try to have a better holistic approach to the next year.

So, that's where we're at on hump day ;).


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