In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, April 14, 2005

comments and dad update

Laura, I do hope that the young man with poor marijunana smoking judgment will get arrested soon ;).

And ftr, I did apologize to the neighbors, via a note on their door, because they wouldn't answer the door or weren't home when I went over to talk to them. I haven't had any response though.

I have been making tons of phone calls about my dad. Thanks for the good thoughts. The news is not easy or particularly good.

1. There is a 2 mo. waiting list at the county nursing home in State College, PA, where he currently is. I have to apply for medicaid before I can get him on that waiting list, and they are sending me an application.

2. He would have to apply for medicaid in NY to get in to just about any nursing home here in Rochester.

The catch? He has to reside in NY before he can apply ;). Hah! That's a conundrum. I'm not comfortable having him live with me because I can't guarantee he won't wander off. My hope is that maybe I can find a place to negotiate with just his social security until I can get him approved for medicaid. It would really be in their long-term best interest anyway.

3. I called this place called ElderSource, which is supposed to help with placements. I got their number from the Presbyterian Home which is about 3 blocks from my house, which cannot take my dad, because he makes $19/mo too much to qualify for SSI and they only have 30 SSI beds and don't take medicare. They cost $3500/mo for a locked facility. Again, Hah!

4. Eldersource referred me to a woman to do a PRI, which is some sort of acronym for a needs assessement, which will cost $40. If I want to use ElderSource to help me find a place based on his assessment, it will cost $500. Might I say, Hah?!

5. So, I will have to do the legwork myself once I know what his assessment is, so that I can find a place to negotiate with me AND has a bed availble. Time is of the essence apparently.

6. The woman who does the assessments, according to her voicemail, is out of town until May 2. So I'm stuck until probably mid-May by the time she catches up from vacation. That's a month away. Not very timely, IMO.

7. Thankfully, ES is going to email me a list of homes that I can contact in the meantime and tour and try to find one that will work with me.

8. The woman at ES is very sweet. She called me back to find out whether my dad is a veteran, which he is, and gave me the number of the veteran's outpatient clinic. I left a message for THAT woman, who is theoretically supposed to be in the office all day on Thursdays, but is not there today for some reason. She doesn't return calls on Fridays, and I'll be out of town till Tuesday, so argh! Anyway, that would be a good option, if they can help me with a VA Hospital placement, even if it's temporary.

So, hurry up and wait I guess. I hate playing this game. Why can't this country take better care of it's most fragile citizens; the old and the young?


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