In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, February 03, 2005


I'm sick of winter already. It's been warmer and all the snow has been melting a bit at a time, but today it sleeted for a bit and I realized how ready I am for spring. Damn, too bad it's only February!

The work truck is fixed to the tune of over $800. Ouch. Tom and his mom's neighbor were able to fix the Suburban for about $75 - it was the distributor cap and some ignition thingy under it. (love how specific I am about these mechanical problems?)

Tom is finding and scheduling work for the next couple of weeks, which is great. I did massive cleaning around here today. He brought a ton of stuff here that was at the townhouse and in his bedroom at his mom's house, so I've been sorting and trying to find space for more space, and also freecycling a lot of stuff. Thank goddess for freecycle!

I hung out at my friend's house today for a bit (the kids were having a playdate and I thought I could use one too, after all that cleaning!) and found out that another friend is pregnant. I'm so excited! She's been trying for some time now and it's great news. She's into the second trimester now, but I"m not going to name any names because she wants to tell people herself :).

It's been a busy week - lots of laundry, cleaning. Ugh. I am so sick of dishes! Bless Tom, he's doing dishes right now. We had catfish, crescent rolls and salad for dinner. Soren had a major meltdown. I think she was really tired after her logn playdate - she fell asleep on the way to the gym, and then fought about dinner and wouldn't eat anything she usually does. Rather than argue any more with her, which is just futile, I picked her up, carried her upstairs, undressed her, brushed her teeth, tucked her into bed and read some random book to her until she was almost asleep and then told her how much I loved her and snuggled her to sleep. It must be so hard to feel so frustrated with the world so much of the time. I hope she feels loved despite how hard it is to get along sometimes. I adore her so. I wish I knew better what makes her tick.

Sullivan is doing well. He had a vet appt. yesterday and did great. He's already growing and is still doing pretty well with housebreaking, although we a few incidents today. Jude was happy and wonderful today, except while I was teaching. He gave Tom a really hard time. I felt so badly. Tom really feels awful when Jude is upset and he can't fix it. He slings him and snuggles him and tries everything. He didn't even really want to nurse - I think his mouth just hurts a lot. He makes all these weird faces like he's trying to rub his gums with his lips and his tongue, and only Tylenol or homeopathic teething stuff helps for any length of time.

Anyway, I should get to bed. Sully's here chewing a bone to death, all the kids are in bed, and I'm beat. My back is hurting this week from work, and I've been trying to do more conditioning with them to get my own strength up. ::::yawn::::


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