In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, September 06, 2004

what the heck is this?

You'd think by baby #3, I'd know labor. I'm pretty sure this isn't it, but I'm miserable as hell. Since noon yesterday, I feel like the baby is fighting my b-h and couple of "real" contractions. He pushes and strains and shoves and twists and it hurts soooo bad - worse than any ctx I had with Soren I think, until the very end.

It hurts in my sacrum, although he's not posterior, and it hurts in my lower abdomen, but not in my pubic bone. I've had a couple of good contractions on and off but nothing regular. The only way I could get comfortable until about midnight was to do child pose or be on hands and knees in a chair or in bed or walk.

I hope that some actual stuff happens tomorrow. I'm exhausted. I slept from midnight till 5:30 a.m. with wakeups about every hour or so.

Now my back hurts again. Come on baby, just come out already!

In other news, the girls are back and trashing the house for all they're worth ;). Soren seems a little weirded out to be home after 9 days with her dad, and Emma is definitely testing limits with Tom and I, but it's wonderful to have them home :).


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