In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Arts Festival

We didn't end up getting into State College until 9:30 or so last night, which made for a long trip. I dropped the girls off and headed over to Erica's. She was apparently worried about how late we got in and called just as I was a few blocks away. I felt badly, because she obviously stayed up to wait for us. (note to Erica: We can let ourselves in! Go to sleep if you're tired ).

I got up this morning and picked the girls and David up and we parked back at Erica's and went downtown. We tried to visit Soren's old preschool but they had all walked to the Arts Festival, so onward we went, hoping we'd run into them (we didn't but we'll try again tomorrow or Friday!).

It was a great day. It threatened rain at one point, but then cleared up. It was very hot - probably mid-80's, but i didn't get too puffy, because I drank TONS of water all day long. My feet hurt though, from so much walking!

First we went to the parklet, where they had an instrument petting zoo, where a local music store had instruments out for kids to try, which was pretty cool. We watched, but didn't try any.

Then, we went to this huge thing called Architects of Air, which is this amazing sculpture-like thing that you can walk in and it's supposed to be very peaceful and they play soothing music. I'm sure it is, but even though we went first thing in the morning, it was unbearably hot inside. I actually thought I might faint, between the heat and the disorientation of being inside a totally round atmosphere, but I stuck it out, because the kids were absolutely fascinated. It was really cool. I just wish it was actually cool inside ;).

From there, we decided to walk up to Allen Street to see the kid's exhibits, since it was children's day. We ran into about a thousand people we knew, which was really cool. Soren's friend Kara and her family from Kindermusik and gymnastics; a kid I used to teach in gymnastics, Julia, who is also friends with Emma's friend Katri, who we saw almost first thing too!

Then we ran into a ton of people from the Friends School. We saw Jael and Kelson, and their parents, who are going to take sabbatical this year and RV around the country, homeschooling and studying. I'm so jealous!

We saw Jane and Julie and Violet, our very dear friends, who fed us and we visited with for quite a while. Jane is frighteningly thin. I am anxious to talk with her sans children to make sure there is no health problem going on. I was quite concerned about her.

anyway, the kids spent all my money buying stuff that other kids made. Soren bought a journal that has a strap so you can carry it on your shoulder, body powder that is lavender scented, a straw hat with flowers on it (I have to take pictures of her in it!) and a clay animal. Emma got a straw hat too, with blue flowers; a cat of some sort, it's really hard to describe other than that it's fluffy - I think it's hooked somehow; a little bow and arrow made from a coat hanger, rubber band, and straws with clay soft tips for arrows; and she got a tooth fairy pillow.

Then we ran into more friends and got lunch. emma got potato pancakes and Soren and I shared a plate of Indian food. David got an amazing looking crepe.

We then went in the water stations they have set up - one has buckets that dump on your head and the other is a mister - very cool and calm for those not wanting to get drenched. The girls wore swim suits under their clothes and Emma got good and wet. Apparently it was very cold. Soren and I stuck to the mister and the edge of the bucket station but still enjoyed getting cooled off.

After that, david took them for smoothies while I found a shady spot to wait for the Kid's Wordstock. i wasn't sure quite what to expect but thought the girls would like it since they both love poetry and love to write. it turned out that 2 kids read their own poetry, but they had a bunch of Shel Silverstein and other poetry that kids could choose to get up and read. Emma read about 5 poems and Soren got up and recited two from memory! My little girl - getting up on stage and reciting? who is this kid? It was so cool. She did the Shel Silverstein Baby Bat: The baby bat screamed out in fright: Turn on the dark, I'm afraid of the light!

The other one she did she had learned at school about a green queen. I'm not quite sure of the words.

then we walked up to Old Main, kind of the heart of Penn State, visited the science table, and then the girls got sucked into being in the Processional, which looks much like Chinese New Year. They both could carry stuff or wear costumes. Emma wore a sort of large blue dog head with pink satin skirts and Soren carried a rabbit on a stick. I didn't have my camera but the CDT sponsored it and got pictures, so maybe there will be some in the paper tomorrow. We walked back up to where we started, and watch the sandscapes sculptor work on his sculpture for awhile and then went back to Erica's and made pizza and salad.

Emma and Soren were invited to spend the night at Anne's with their daughter's so David and I took them over there and hung out chatting for a while. My girls hopped in the tub there and got cleaned up, thank goodness!

Tomorrow I pick them up, take Emma to Science camp at katri's and then my mom and Soren and I will hit the People's Choice Festival until emma is done. My mother is feeling quite resentful about the fact that we have other people to see her besides her. Hmph. she is about the only thing to make my blood pressure go up these days.

Friday we plan to go back to the downtown Arts Festival to see the real art. Tom is coming Friday night or Sat. morning to do the Fest with me, so I can't wait! There is all sorts of good music and food to be had over the next 4 days. It is good to be here!


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