In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, May 24, 2004


I'm finally feeling better!

Right now, I'm hoping we don't lose electricity. We're having a hell of a storm. When I woke up, it was beautiful and sunny, after a very gray weekend with t-storms, but the radio said there were storms coming in at 55 mph. Within 20 minutes, we had thunder and lightening and it's pretty impressive. Can't wait to run to the car to get the kids on the bus!

The weekend was so busy! Friday, Emma had practice from 4:30 to 6:30, then I worked open gym from 6:30 to 8, then her friend Stepany stayed overnight at our house. I fed them and set them up with a video.

Saturday we got up and had to be at the gym by 9. I worked till noon, came home for an hour and volunteered my afternoon at their Kids Classic Fun Competition, which is for class kids and pre-team. Both of my girls were in it, and I was so impressed with both of them. Emma got her front hip circle for the first time *during* the competition, and Soren stayed with her squad the whole time and did every event, and had a blast, never asking for me! I even got them both on tape for every event, although I got Soren's practice vault instead of the one that counted, but since it was better, that was probaby OK ;).

Saturday night we came home and ordered Chinese food, because I was way too tired to cook. Yesterday we went to the lilac festival with my Nov98 listmate Jana and her 3 kids, with her friend Melanie and her 2 kids, Danielle and Mike and their boys, and then Jana's brother met us at the end. The kids all were really great and I had a good time, even when we got caught in a shower.

Today is going to be an orgy of cleaning, laundry and errands, since it's my only day off, and we're leaving Friday for a long weekend in PA.

Gotta remember to get a bday card for my mom!


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