In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Friday, April 30, 2004

So much for TGIF

I had a stupid fight with Tom this morning. I apparently hurt his feelings by being annoyed that he neglected to actually GET the inspection sticker when he got my car fixed last night - the whole point, *being* to get the sticker, since mine expires today. Hmmm. Anyway, I said I didn't want to go today because I had a lot to do, but I would go and he did that resentful thing and made plans to get it over his lunch break, but acted all huffy about it.

So, instead of my usual tiptoeing around this behavior, I confronted him about being resentful and reminded him that I said I would go get it myself, if he'd just give me directions. That's when it came out that he had hurt feelings. I honestly can't even remember that i said anything that *would* hurt someone's feelings, but apparently the very fact of me being annoyed is enough to manage this.

So, I, in my infinite wisdom, instead of aplogizing, say that he's hurt my feelings too, but he doesn't seem to care. And he has no idea what I'm talking about, duh. I can't say what it is here, but I might be willing to discuss it privately if anyone cares that much. I'm sure it's something many of us deal with ;).

Can you tell I'm not feeling very fecking sympathetic about this?

So, in a fit of hormones, I started to cry, which upset him more, so he slammed out of the house. Twice. Because he forgot something the first time.

So we're not talking. And I'm leaving for PA. Now. I refuse to give in. Oh, and the second time he came back in, he stood there in the hall, ostensibly waiting for me to stop what I was doing and come and *hug him goodbye.* Um, no. Sorry. Duh. So that's what impelled him to slam out harder the second time.

Anyway, I've left him a note taped to the computer to let him know what precisely he's done to hurt my feelings, and hopefully he will come to his senses and stop being so darn oversensitive to things I say that aren't even directed toward him or in any way meant to make him feel bad. ::sigh::


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