In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Pregnant Images my foot

I wrote this article after I had Soren about how pregnant women should embrace their bodies.

I'm having a really hard time doing that. I feel like a big fat slob, even though I know I'm not overweight, but everything that is changing about my body, I despise right now.

I feel so unattractive and fat and non-sexy, and this is not how I want to feel. I wish I could just be done gestating so I could feel in charge of my body again, and get in shape and feel pretty and sexy. I know how shallow that must sound, but it's true. Well, I'd keep the breasts ;).

I lay awake after Tom goes to bed and cry about how ugly I feel. Nothing helps - I try to buy flattering clothes, wear makeup, do my hair. Yuck. And he doesn't look at me in the same way. I don't know if it's a Madonna thing, or maybe I'm just fat, but I don't measure up to Playboy, that's for sure.


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