In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, April 19, 2004

It's a....

Well, do you really want to know? If I tell you that Emma is *really* happy, does that give you a clue?

OK, OK, it's a ... boy! Yep, little penis sticking out there for the whole u/s room to see ;). I was actually really relieved just to *know*. Although I've been hoping for a girl, I've felt that it's a boy, and I'm actually quite happy now that I know for sure. The name du jour right now is Jude Thomas. Or possible Jude Austin. Or Austin Jude. But Jude is really the only boy's name that I like right now.

So the u/s was really fun! We got a video, and pictures and the tech was super sweet and explained everything to the girls, who were there, and talked the whole time and drove me nuts but were really happy and funny. We got good pictures of the head, the heart, the penis (of course!) and a great profile. I want to go over and show my MIL this morning :).

In other news, this weekend was nice. Saturday night I got to have Indian food, which I've been craving. Erica and I took a LONG walk and ate a LONG dinner and it was great. Then Sunday I went to the UU for the Ingathering service, where all new members are welcomed. There was also a lovely bridging ceremony for kids who were graduating from the RE program. Lots of good speeches and music. I'm glad I went although I missed having the girls there with me. The children's story was cute; about Higgins, a drop with a dream. Dont' ask ;).

The drive back was delayed, because it was 82, yes *82F* in State College, so when the girls kind of wistfully talked about the park, I said, WTH, and off we went for an hour so, which was cool, because one of Emma's best friends, Gabrielle, was there and Soren and G's little sister Hannah, played too! I got stunningly sunburned too. I'm a lovely shade of lobster red.

I'm happy to be home, oddly. The house feels more like home all of a sudden, and I missed Tom dreadfully. I made a big batch of egg salad this morning and I'm off to eat some!


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