In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, March 06, 2004


As Saturdays go, this one started out well. I got up, got the girls up and got us off to work with a minimum of fuss. Tom was working at a site all day, so we came home, and I got a few things done. I made us lunch, let the girls play for awhile in their room and then got them to clean it up and put laundry away. Then I reconfigured Emma's gift bags for her party next week and started dinner (BBQ ribs on the crock pot, rice and caesar salad). Then I laid down with Soren for about 45 minutes.

Danielle brought the twins over around 4 or so in order for her and Mike to have a date, which was fine. Tom hadn't shown up by 6 p.m. although I had expected him much earlier and was really pissy when I called him. He acted all resentful and said he had planned on looking at more work but he'd come home anyway, because I explained that I was alone with all 4 kids and thought he'd be home for dinner, not just to eat what I cooked, but to help me out with the kids. He got all huffy so I told him not to bother and hung up.

Things just went downhill from there. I got the kids eating and meanwhile Tom came in all in a huff and slammed in and out a couple of times for good measure. I ignored him and he sat at the table with an empty plate until I told him that if he was going to sit there, the least he could do was eat what I had made.

I had also stuck a strawberry shortcake in the oven, so I cleaned up, served dessert and then started to finish cleaning up since Karen and Catherine are coming to visit tomorrow. I threw more laundry in, swept and mopped the floor downstairs and took all the throw rugs down to wash them. When I opened the washer, I found a pile of fluff. I had made the bad decision last night to wash the nest chair cushion, which then proceeded to tear and explode in the washer. I don't know where to replace it without buying a whole new chair. So I have this wet cushion, with fluff escaping everywhere in my laundry room until it dries and I decide whether I can sew it. Anyway, on top of that, Tommy fell asleep in our bed, which was great! I was happy to keep them overnight and give Mike and Danielle a much-needed break. However, he also had a massive accident IN our bed! Totally soaked.

So, I stripped the bed, dragged the sheets downstairs, only to find that one of my lovely children had left crayons in one of their pockets and a whole load of laundry was covered in red and green wax. ::::scream::::

I am currently in the middle of spraying everything with WD-40, soaking with dishsoap and getting ready to wash, as the Crayola site instructs one to do in such a horrific event.

Of course, I ran out of WD-40, so had to ask Tom to go get more, even though I don't think we're techically talking yet. And I *still* have to wrap a present for a birthday party that Emma is attending tomorrow. Incidentally, even though we're not talking, Tom vacuumed the whole house and cleaned the bathroom. I, on the other hand, got to clean up pee and soak the bed with Febreeze, mop, make dinner, clean up, and deal with two major laundry emergencies in one day.

I really just want to go to sleep.

Will someone please shoot me?


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