In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Friday, February 25, 2005


Yesterday, I told Tom that if he survived the dentist, that we could go out to Don Pablo's for dinner, because I had a $5 off gift card. I was out running a bunch of errands when he got home, so I came back to meet him and we stopped at WalMart to pick up pictures (I promise I'll upload them soon, OK?) Anyway, I realized that I had forgotten the coupon, so we went home to get it and I couldn't find it ANYwhere! So we decided to go for sushi instead, after we went to the co-op. Geez, it's nice to be able to shop with ONE child and another adult along!

So, we got to the sushi place and I was getting Jude settled at the table, when all of a sudden, Tom says "Kelly," in this weird tone of voice, so I turn around and he says, "this is Wendy." Ack! Of all the damn restaurants in this city, she was there!

It was kind of funny actually. We both looked each other up and down, and were both quite obvious about it ;). She was very polite, but I thought she was going to ask to have dinner with us with her friend and I quickly did some very obvious body language that that was NOT Ok with me. So, we survived that and she'll be gone soon. We were both a bit freaked out by it, but we had a great talk about how
happy we are and how our first marriages affected us. It's been a full week!

While I was in Lancaster, Tom got an email message from her that she was in Rochester just to pack up her mom to move her to AZ with her, so that's a relief. It's a weird feeling to meet someone who had the same kind of intimacy (on some level anyway) with your spouse. I'm sure Tom has the same feelings about David.

Speaking of David, he got the apartment he wanted near our house and moves in next week! So he's going to come to Rochester on Sunday to pay the landlord, so I don't have to pick the girls up at the state border on Sunday after all. I'm anxious/excited/nervous about how this will change things. We will have a bit of negotiating to do I'm sure, but I love how well we're getting along, and I'd like to have things be pretty laid back.

Anyway, this is apparently the week of the X.


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