In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, February 14, 2005

the weekend

We survived travelling with 3 kids and a puppy ;). Sully was GREAT in the car and behaved himself quite well all around. He piddled a bit on Erica's carpet once :-/, but we got that cleaned up, and he didn't have any more accidents. He even stayed in the car and let Tom and I shop at the mall for some PJs for Jude.

Speaking of Jude, yep, he's scooting, even on his back! He has to be closely watched now. Sadly, he has his first real fever. He woke up in the middle of the night w/ a 100F fever. I gave him some Tylenol - he felt hotter than that to me. I don't trust the thermometer very much I guess. I held off again until just a bit ago. He doesn't seem particularly bothered by it. He just feels like a little furnace.

I called off work today in case he gets worse. I don't want to drag a sick baby to the gym in case he feels horrible later today. I really need to get to the co-op though.

I noticed that the van lady didn't beep again today ;). Woot! Someone did though - at 7! Damn lazy people who can't walk 10 steps to ring the doorbell.


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