In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Friday, March 19, 2004


I've been so busy this week. I don't know how I'll get through next week. I'd forgotten how challenging it can be to juggle two jobs. I'm trying to fit in 20 hours at my new job, and 15 at my gym job, and still be available as normal for the girls and do the housework I usually do. I'm not doing a very good job so far. Especially on the house stuff. It's just piling up in the corners.

I applied for a technical writing job in the city too, so if I get that, I'll leave the gym and do that part time and write for this newsletter part time. I can make more money doing it and I enjoy it so much more.

The girls are doing well. The school counselor talked to me about Soren yesterday and she is blossoming in her friendship group and seems to be blooming in class to. She read me Max's Bath last night and she did a great job!

We read a bunch of Shel Silverstein poems too.

Emma was watching Raiders of the Lost Ark which she was very into.

Tom and I watched Thunderheart after the kids went to bed.

It certainly wasn't Val Kilmer's best performance but Graham Greene was great. "Federal Bureau of Intimidation..." LOL!

Anyway, I'm slogging away finishing up some research this morning and hope to do some writing this afternoon after I get back from yoga. I'm hoping yoga helps my back, which kills me every morning when I wake up, but improves throughout the day. I'm also showing signs of sciatica in my left hip already, which doesn't bode well, since I'm only at 14/15 weeks.

Rambling back to the kids...I also met with Emma's new teacher yesterday, who emailed me Tuesday and Wednesday to let me know how things are going and seems much more organized in general! Emma likes her and is making friends already.

She had some interesting feedback about Emma being bored in math because she takes everything so literally and doesn't think outside the box, so she's going to try to teach her some more adavanced skills so she can work with numbers in a more creative way. She also needs to work on her writing mechanics - the content is great - but it's not legible :-/. This has been an ongoing problem. I need to get her some printing workbooks so she can practice and really work on getting her letters nicer and get spaces in between words. I hate to harp on her, because fine motor skills are NOT her thing, but I don't know what else to do.

In other news, I had a lovely chat with my friend Katherine yesterday, who homeschools her 3 girls. I originally called to get her husband's recipe for catfish, because the girls love it and wanted me to make it, which I did. Then we ended up chatting for over an hour about the girls and homeschooling and dance and gymnastics and what we were doing. It was wonderful!

I'm trying not to think about being homesick so much today.


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