In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Well Merry Xmas and all that

Thanks for all the bday, Solstice and Anniversary wishes! It has been a whirlwind, but lovely week, all around.

Soren got sick on my birthday and threw up that evening. I felt awful for Tom, because he ended up watching her and the baby at his mom's while I taught my last class of the session, but he was a trooper. It was so lovely to not have to worry about taking care of a puking kid, a nursing baby and work all at the same time, which is what I spent years trying to juggle. Have I mentioned lately how wonderful my husband is?

Friday morning we left for PA and got to my mom's around 2:30. The girls and I opened xmas/bday gifts. My mom got me a really cool bracelet that is silver that looks like a belt. She always gets me lovely jewelry for my bday. The girls each got much-needed clothes - Emma got 2 pairs of pants, a denim jacket and a gorgeous red hooded sweater. Soren got jeans, 2 long-sleeved turtlenecks, a princess tea set and a boom box for her room. Do they still call them boom boxes? Gosh, I'm getting old ;).

Emma got a space set which didn't work and will have to be returned. My mom got Tom a gorgeous leather wallet, which was perfect, as his old one was falling apart and it was a standing joke that I wasn't allowed to get anything out of it because everything always fell out on the floor. She also got me a lovely black poncho with a hood which is perfect for breastfeeding in, as it zips from the top and the bottom. It's amazing to me how thoughtful she has become about me nursing babies!

We got her a pair of felt clogs by Acorn and Tom's mother sent an eyelash scarf that she made. My mom loved it! I forgot to mention that she got Jude a playmat with a mirror, but I think it overstimulates him to some extent. He's at the point where he is grabbing everything, but he gets frustrated that he can't manipulate things well yet, and the music and lights on the mirror that came with the mat seem to annoy him after awhile.

David and his sister came to get the girls around 5. Tom and I had shrimp and pasta salad w/ my mom and ended up hanging around till about 8:30 and then headed to Erica's.We spent the night there, which was lovely. We haven't had a night just to ourselves in over a month (not counting Jude). We got up Xmas morning and picked up my dad (I have a whole other post about him and his antics, geez) and took him to my mom's for breakfast. She made a standing rib, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, and cajun turkey breast for dinner, but my dad went back to his nursing home for dinner there. Egads, really, I must remember to post about all that. Unreal shit.

Anyway, we ate dinner and went to Erica's again. Had a lovely night, watched Ladykillers, with Tom Hanks, which had amazing dialogue. Love the Coen Brothers. I let Tom go to sleep since Jude woke up and wasn't inclined to go back to sleep, then Tom got up this morning and let me go back to sleep until 10:30! It was heavenly! We got a shower and then ate brunch at the Corner Room. Then we went back to my mom's to pack the car with all our crap. She was in a haughty mood, irritated that we had the nerve to enjoy each other and not include her ;).

We picked the girls up at David's at 3 p.m. and they got a ton of stuff. they didn't even open David's presents to them yet! He is going to hold on to them for their next visit. Xmas will go on forever!

I will udpate tomorrow - haven't seen all their presents yet. There is much more to say, but I think I am keeping Tom awake with my typing and he must get up at 4 a.m. to shovel at work at 5 a.m., poor chap :(.

Reminders to self:
girls' presents
mom - Nascar and neighbors
david's blog


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