In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, September 13, 2004


Sue, you're lucky not to have asked me that over the phone ;). I swore earlier today that the next time somebody called me "just to say hi" or to ask me if the baby had miraculoously appeared, that the damn cell phone was going sailing out the nearest window. I even chided the kids for talking about the possibility of me going into labor.

I got a great night's sleep last night, thanks to a deep muscle backrub from Tom and putzed around all day having somewhat regular mild contractions. They went away around dinner time, to be replaced by the baby's usual high energy antics, but w/o so much pain on my part this time.

I went to bed around 10ish, got another, briefer backrub before Tom fell asleep and woke up around an hour ago, dreaming that all my sins had been stacked up in a little cupboard, and a bomb way out of proportion to the sins at hand had been lobbed into the cabinet and exploded, which explained why my left hip was killing me. I, holw cow, had had a contraction! So I got up to pee. I dozed back off only to wake up about 45 minutes later, still having these freaking contractions that can't really be strong enough to be doing much of anything, but too strong for me to really sleep through, especially, as oddly enough (tmi ahead, so skip if you'd like), they seem to have ignited my sex drive ;). So, I'm sitting around, feeling contractions, unable to sleep, and being incredibly horny. Very weird.

They're about 15 min. or so apart, so hopefully they either stop so I can go back to sleep, or they get closer and stronger and produce a baby. I'm getting really pissed at this in between stage. *really* pissed ;).


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