In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Cats and GTT

Sue, too funny. I actually don't feel that badly about it, because I have warned every kid around here over and over and over again that he doesn't like kids, is generally cranky and WILL bite or scratch if petted or hugged or picked up. He only tolerates us for the most part.

I talked to my midwife again today in more detail. She has put me on a diet of nothing white - no potatoes, no white flour or pasta, no dairy, no sugar. Soren is happy that now there is someone else in the house who can't eat dairy ;).

I was so depressed by the whole thing. I feel like I've spent this entire pregnancy taking extra good care of my body and diet - even better than the first two times I was pregnant, and what do I get for it? More and more problems! My iron was also very low, so I have to take supplements, but I'm not allowed to take Floridex, because of its sugar content. I do hope I can find something that is not...ahem...constipating.

I'm already jonesing to eat something sugary, like the rebel that I am ;). Thankfully, I don't have any other symptoms, so it will be interesting to see what Tuesday's 3 hour test holds. Meg suspects it may just be my hypoglycemia showing a positive one hour test and that the 3 hour will confirm that. I hope so!


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