In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, July 24, 2004

In PA Again

I don't know where the time goes. How is that I can't have posted anything since Tuesday?

I don't think anything of real interest has happened anyway. Mostly me procrastinating packing. we did go to our playdate/hsing talk on Tuesday which was fun. The time flew and it was after lunch by the time I realized it. We came home and ate and took a nap and then went to the gym. Soren is cruising along, learning all sorts of fun things, like front hip circles, handstands on beam, back handsprings. it's kind of scary - she's willing to try anything, and has no fear. She is also really tough when she gets hurt. She just jumps right back on with no tears for the most part. Her hands are all torn up from doing bars for so many hours, but we made her tape grips and she's just doing it despite the blisters.

Emma is tired from the longer workouts. I'm concerned about her. She's chewing on her feet again. she's not sleeping at night. She's getting maybe 7 hours a night, but then works out 4-6 hours at the gym and doesn't seem to be eating all that well. I know she's a little worried about the upcoming birth, but I think there's more to it.

She also is frustrated with herself. She told me this week she always feels like she's causing trouble. I hate that she feels that way. I know I have a tendency to be too hard on her, but all during my pregnancy I've been pretty laid back and we were doing well. All of a sudden though, I feel PMS-y and crabby and I've been hard on both kids and easily frustrated. The thing is, is that Emma is *such* an easy kid. She is helpful, not picky, self reliant and all around just wonderful. I really need to spend some 1:1 time with her, but it's so hard to make it happen.

What else this week. Oh, I got *3* boxes of baby/nursing stuff from Karen. I am so excited! so many cute clothes and some for me too! I can't wait to move and get the baby's room ready. I feel like it will make it seem more real when I have the changing table up and diapers and clothes ready. she sent me a nightgown, which I was jus saying I needed, and I'm wearing it as I blog ;). I'm sure you're happy about that visual. she also sent me a gorgeous nursing sweater and a bunch of other stuff.

My friend Michelle, aka my massage therapist, had a cancellation yesterday afternoon, so I went to see her after my GTT test, which btw, didnt make me throw up, thank goddess.

She worked on my nerve damage, which I didn't think could be worked on, as it's in a rather, um, sensitive spot - where my thigh meets my groin, ouch! When I'm pregnant, the pressure of the baby starts to make it so painful to walk at this point and turning over at night is incredibly painful. the tension was all the way down the tendon in my inner thigh, which I didn't realize, and it actually feels *bruised* where she worked on it yesterday, but it will be worth it, I can tell. It feels looser, and I was able to move more easily last night when trying to get comfy in bed. A couple more sessions should really ease it up, which I think is necessary to have a less painful birth at this point. I'm just so grateful that something can be done about it after all. I suffered through my entired pregnancy with Soren and didn't get anything done to ease it.

I made marinated chicken breasts and patty pan squash before we left last night, and then we headed out around 7 pm. all the neighborhood kids were at my door right up until the time we ate dinner. I don't know why they congregate at my house, other than that I feed them healthy snacks (who says kids don't like carrots?) and I set limits. I kind of scared them off yesterday though, because Soren was being impossible and I lost my temper and yelled at her, but she had left the front door hanging open, so they all witnessed it, and scattered to the winds ;). it was kind of funny, but I felt badly that Soren was embarrassed to be yelled at in front of her friends. It's so nice that kids come and ask my girls to play every day though!

tom got here late last night - apparently the door was locked and he kept calling my cell phone, but it didn't ring, and there are no "missed calls" on it. Really weird. he woke me up by coming to my window and scaring me to death. i couldn't get back to sleep for an hour! he's still asleep, bless his heart. He never gets to sleep in, so I'm glad I could let him sleep. there's even coffee when he wakes up.

I apologize for the lack of caps in this post. Erica's keyboard and I don't get along and I am tired of going back and fixing typos ;).

We have a "date weekend" planned. Some hiking and dinner out. We also are going to get the dishwasher and a fridge from my old house to take back to Rochester.

Oh, I forgot, I spent the morning with my friend jenny yesterday, and got to help by holding babies and changing diapers! I had forgotten how little their little bums are. It was so much fun and didn't feel like helping at all. I'm a bit worried about her - she is rather down and having a difficult postpartum recovery. I wish there was more I could do. Depression has become hard for me to deal with since David.


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