In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Soren is doing great on her new bike and cruising all over the place now. She's finally learned how to start and stop, after I got tired of giving her a push every 20 seconds.

I think the baby has gone breech. I've been very uncomfortable and at the very least, he's laying kind of transverse with limbs flailing out all over the place and killing my sacrum. I was having b-h contractions all day yesterday and it was incredibly aggravating.

Today we are going on a playdate/learn about hsing paperwork meeting, and have to go to the gym tonight for classes/work.

Tom and I went to Homebirth Circle on Sunday and it was amazing. We got to hear Vicky, Alyce, Marsha (Alyce's sister) and Jenny tell their birth stories and they were all quite moving. It was good for Tom to be around all those new dads and babies I think too! Hah, ulterior motive ;).

Last night we interviewed and hired a doula, Kirsten. I just don't feel like all the people in our life that were going to be there, will be there when the time comes and I want someone I am paying and trust to be there and cook, clean, calm the kids, or whatever. She has not been to a homebirth before, but is cool with it and very supportive. I told her I just mostly want to be left alone and want her to help out with the kids, and she said that was just fine. Woot!

Other than that, I need to get laundry going. I've been kind of slacking the last couple of days because my back hurt so much again. And I have *no* idea what I'm making for dinner tonight. any suggestions that don't have me stopping at the dreaded grocery store?


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