In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Monday, September 26, 2005

Weekend antics

On Saturday we went to Tom's cousin's wedding. It was great. The 2 seconds of it that I saw, anyway ;). It was very short for a Catholic wedding, but Jude had to be taken out about 2 seconds after it started, so I didn't see any of it. We went to the reception and it was lovely. We got to hang out with our whole family and Jude and the girls had fun. Emma drank champagne for the first time and thought it was nasty. They were so tired, they fell asleep on the way home.

Yesterday we were supposed to have the LCG fall equinox festival, but we got rained out, so we went back to homeschool shopping for the girls. In the morning I went through all of their clothes with them, only to find out that Emma had grown out of just about everything, and Soren is almost the same size as her, so we made a big list and took off for Target.

We spent an obscene amount of money, but I can't let them run around w/o clothes.

Emma got 3 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of jeans, a winter coat, snowpants, new snowboots (which are WAY cool), socks, underwear, half dozen long-sleeved shirts, go-go boots (hers aren't Bratz, but are similar to this), a robe, and 3 turtlenecks.

Soren got half dozen pair of tights, 2 new dresses (which I had to go to Gymboree for - apparently dresses are no longer in. I could only find mix and match skirts and tops!), a skirt and top, 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of bolero pants, ballet style dress shoes, underwear, a lock for her locker at gymnastics, and other sundries.

It took us all afternoon. Then we went out to dinner. I am still in shock at how much money we spent ;). After having NONE last week (negative, actually) and then Tom got paid, so we spent the whole child support check this month on clothes. Eek!

Oh, and I also got a verrrry sexy top at Hot Topic ;).

They are thrilled though and had so much fun :). It was definitely worth it, and they're outfitted for the winter, (I hope). Soren will probably need new boots before year's out, but that's OK>

Today we're going to the library for baby storytime and to get books out. Tom might even go, because it's pouring here and he can't work on the fence that he's building and doesn't have inside work lined up.

Then Emma has her new mother's helper gig this afternoon and then we're off to a long night at the gym.


  • At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That top is awesome. Very sexy, indeed!


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