In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Oh, it's Tuesday. It still feels like Monday. I thought the kids had Waldorf today, and planned accordingly. Turns out they didn't! Thankfully I found out before I drove across town. I had to take Emma to the doctor anyway, as we all have the creeping crud, except for Soren. And I do mean all of us. Oh, except for the pets.

So, instead of Waldorf, we went to see the Lemony Snicket movie. It was good. I thought it was cool that Jude Law played Lemony himself. Emma really didnt' believe me that there was a famous person with the same name as her brother until she saw the credits. Speaking of which, I almost think the credits, with the music and artwork, were as good as the movie itself.

So then we went to my MILs for a bit, after we went to the doctor, who said that we had the creeping crud and to drink tea with honey. I gave Jude some Dimetapp a bit ago and he's sacked out, but he can finally breathe. It really sucks to try to nurse and breathe when your nose is clogged up!

Tom is still at his mom's. The starter in the truck died so he is replacing it. I *hope* it's the starter because if it's not, he just spent 3 hours doing something for no good reason. I'm beat, and should get the girls into bed, but it seems like too much effort to get up.

Besides, I don't want to wake Jude up, who is peacefully sleeping on my lap.

I had a productive day, despite being sick. I got the laundry caught up (OMG!) and dishes (OMG!) and the kitchen floor and down the steps swept and mopped. I vacuumed up the pine needles from the solstice tree yesterday, and got the playroom *almost* clean. It still has some random things lying about, and desperately needs to be vacuumed, but I'll get there. Soren's room is trashed. That's a project for tomorrow, as is going to the library.

I've been more focused and disciplined about homeschooling since before xmas, so we're getting on track again after a week off. It's good and the girls seem to be doing well w/ a little more structure in their lives.

I applied for a copyeditor position today, as well as a telecommuting job doing transcription, which would be ideal. I think I'd do it in addition to working at the gym, as I do love the gym most of the time, despite my whinging about it.

Anyway, think good thoughts!


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