In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

dreams and stuff

First of all, I've spent the last hour trying to free up space on my computer, as my it keeps getting full and I don't have any hardware expertise to change out my harddrive for a bigger one. I guess it's probably not that hard. I could call Dell I guess. ::sigh::

Anyway, I had all these weird dreams last night that i wanted to write down, but they're mostly foggy now that I've spent so much time in computer hell.

I did dream that I was writing a long post in Brash Hetty's blog about visiting Hawaii, but I wanted to mask that it was me posting somehow.

Then I dreamt that I took Joe to the UU with me and then we went out for coffee with the kids, and then he was sitting in my bed smoking (he never smoked!) and Tom came home and we all went down to the garage, but then I was suddenly married to david again, and we had twin girl babies upstairs, and while we were in the garage, there was a huge earthquake and I was screaming and ran up to the deck and inside to scoop up the babies and then I woke up.



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