In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, September 23, 2004

So, the bad news and the good news

On Tuesday, when we were taking the girls to Lilac Children's Garden, Tom's brother called to let us know that Tom's dad fell while Tom's mom was out grocery shopping. He's on full time oxygen due to pulmonary fibrosis, and uses a walker but tried to take the trash out and fell down the two steps into the garage. My MIL found him there when she got home :(.

He appears to have had a mild heart attack and spent over 24 hours in the Emergency Room because there were no rooms at all in the hospital. He is supposed to be there through the weekend most likely and I'm not sure what the plan is after that. He is eligible for 2 hours of care a day which I want Tom to push for, so his mom can have some help.

The doctor doesn't think he had another stroke, but as far as I know, hasn't ordered a CT scan to check for sure. I have no idea why.

So Tuesday Tom spent most of the afternoon and evening at the hospital, which was his last day off with us :(. He was so torn. That morning he was already feeling so sad that he had to go back to work the next day.

So yesterday, he went back to work and he had a meeting with his boss, and it looks as if he might be laid off in two weeks. I am absolutely panicked about this. We are already struggling, and then with me off for maternity leave, it's very tight, and he had to take his week off at home without pay, so we're short that as well. I don't know what we'll do if he gets laid off, because we'll also lose our insurance, and with three kids, that's insane.

I will probably just have to go back to work as soon as I can if that happens, which depresses me to no end. I so was looking forward to a babymoon till at least mid-October and preferably Nov. 1. It may not be able to be helped though. He's actively looking for other work and has been for a couple of weeks now, but he hasn't found anything and the job market is pretty slim. He worked for himself for 10 years, but that doesn't come with health insurance.

I've been on the verge of tears since he told me yesterday evening, and I'm so exhausted, because he's spent the last two evenings at the hospital, and I'm trying to do the cooking, cleaning and laundry again and it's just too soon.

It was so nice having Tom here and I miss him - not only is he back to work but he's at the hospital in the evenings. He misses Jude like mad too :(.

My friends have been amazing. Alyce has set up people to cook for us every other day, my friend Jane is coming Saturday to Tuesday to cook and help out, and my former babysitter Maho was here Tuesday and Wednesday and helped out, but there's only so much they can do.

Maho gave Emma a flute lesson while she was here, which was really cool! She is moving from NC to ME and stopped here - the timing was perfect!

Alyce even got someone (Caren) to take Emma to gymnastics yesterday and gave me a stern talking-to about being out driving so soon, so I gave in. Tom ran home tonight after work, ate quickly and then took Emma to the gym at 6 p.m. and is going to the hospital, then picking E. up at 8:30 and coming home. Crazy. I still feel like I have so much to do, but the baby wants to be held and has a rash, possibly from the antibiotic I'm on, so I had to give him benadryl today to see if it got better, although it's hard to say, so we're just watching it now.

OK, I'm babbling ;).

My mom isn't coming because she has another skin cancer on her foot that is being removed on Monday. I still feel like she blew me off though. I just get the impression that she didn't want to come. She said she could possibly get one or another friend to bring her next week after her surgery, but I don't really need her recovering here while I'm trying to recover, and one friend is a guy I don't know at all, and the other is her sometimes friend who drives me batty after awhile, so I'm going to take a raincheck.


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