In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Baby stuff

My friends are the best! I am fully stocked up with more newborn clothes than I could have hoped for, and Lynn gave me a whole farging bag of prefold heavy duty diapers and a bunch of rubber pants! Now I just have to find those snappy diaper things again someplace. They aren't the actual snappi's *tm*, but they are little metal clips that I love.

OK, found some, but am too lazy to link to them in Opera, sorry.

Jenny gave me a ton of newborn clothes, and she is going to trade me newborn diaper wraps and diapers for the $100 she owes me. Yay! I'd much rather have cute little diapers :).

I finally am feeling ready for this baby. I know where most things are, although I still need to find the diaper cream, get some Weleda calendula cream, and find a tray for the side of my changing table to store tubes and q-tips on. Must make a list and hit up Target and I also forget how I used to wash my diapers, so want to look that up too.

The girls leave on Friday and I don't know how I will survive without them for a week. I will probably go insane but Patty is going to hang out with me. I don't have even have work as a consolation! The gym is closed that whole week.


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