In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Critters and FIL

When I got to the townhouse last night (we were staying in the 'burbs, since Tom was on call), he quietly called me into the kitchen and told me he had had the strangest call ever. On top of the fridge was a clear box with a critter in it. I'm not a connoseiur of rodents, but it was definitely a rodent and appeared to be domesticated. It was fuzzy and cute anyway ;).

A woman had called because they had this critter in their townhouse (not really the complex's maintenance problem - they have an exterminator), so he went over to check it out because she thought it might be a rat (she hadn't had a close look at it). Her teenage son trapped it under a bowl.

Anyway, I took it to Petco today, where a tatooed and pierced young man cooed and loved over our new teddy bear hamster ;). I have never *wanted* to own a hamster, although I've considered a guinea pig, but I appear to have one now. It's very very cute. Long hair and with quite the personality. It doesn't seem to mind being handled, although I'm squeamish about it. I'm waiting till Tom gets home to let the kids play with it out of the cage. Mostly because I'm afraid it will get loose and the cat will eat it.

The girls named her "Tibby" which I think is a stupid name, but if they clean the cage they can name it whatever they want!

I'll try to take a picture of her at some point soon.

Tom's father has been placed in hospice, but at the hospital. He is really struggling for air and is failing. The hospice director says she expects that he may pass by the middle of next week. They are going to start giving him morphine to keep him comfortable.

Emma has another meet this weekend. we need to get a gift for a grab bag. Two of her friends on TOPS are her age and are moving from Level 5 to Level 6 in the middle of this season! They are two of the youngest but best gymnasts in the state in Level 5 - amazing kids. They're just not challenged in level 5 already. It's really neat to see how excited they are :)

Jude gets better at grabbing things every hour. I think he is staying awake at night to practice. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep the last couple of nights.

The girls went on a playdate (I went too!) today. We had a lovely time. Emma stayed longer than Soren and I and went to visit another neighbor down the street that homeschools. They apparently made some sort of script and play and videotaped it. I hope to see it! The girl goes to LCG too. Seem like nice folks!

Anyway, I need to motivate the girls to get into bed. Soren's on the phone with her dad right now, which could take awhile ;).


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