In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


Tom's dad is continuing to fail. I couldn't go to the hospital last night because of work, but Tom went up after watching the baby while I taught (which incidentally, is going really well so far!).

He is on level 9 for O2, and his blood oxygen continues to drop. We will go up tonight after dinner and spend the evening.

The girls have LCG today, so I plan to run to HellMart to pick up my photos and get hair stuff for Emma's meet on Sunday. This meet is taking over our lives. Christ, I am paying more to the gym than I'm making for booster club, meets, etc. Augh! It's killing me. Oh well.

I also need to put away the Halloween decorations today and drag down the Christmas stuff. If I don't start now, we'll never get them up ;).

The baby is doing GREAT. The VCUG test looked clear - no reflux and no abnormalties that the tech could see. I"ll get a full report next week. Yay! He did really well. cried during the actualy cath part, but who wouldn't. Afterwards he peed on the nurse and charmed everyone by smiling and cooing and not having any hard feelings toward us. The techs were wonderful, kind and ON TIME! We didn't wait 5 minutes to get in to the room! I was very impressed. One of the bennies of having a teaching hospital in town.

It snowed for the first time last night and the girls got all their snow gear on and went out to play this morning ;). Pretty funny! I got a picture of them with the sled in less than 1/4" of snow.

It's cold today, but supposed to be 50F tomorrow, so hopefully I can still tackle cleaning up the garden if it dries enough. I can't find my gardening gloves anywhere though! I'll have to see if they have any still out at Wallyworld this afternoon.

That's it from the homefront. Baby's waking up so need to run!


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