In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Hell weekend

I was finally starting to feel like I was getting my act together with 3 kids, but today I am freaking out. Everywhere I look there is something to be done! Tom is working an extra job today, and is going to the hospital. In a fit of assholeishness (I know that is not a word) I gave him a big guilt trip about how I haven't had a break in 5 days and he has no idea what it's like to have all 3 kids 24/7 and not only be at home with them but be at WORK with them all day too. It's exhausting. Plus I'm still sick. Like he needs me to bitch at him with his father dying.

I guess it set me off when he said he felt like he ran from the minute he got up till he went to sleep. well, no shit! Join the club ;).

Jude won't nap at all today so far, Soren is driving me completely wacko, and there are 3 tons of leaves outside that need to be raked. I can't rake them becuase:
a. my house is trashed inside
b. I have no garbage bags with which to bag them
c. I am not dragging all 3 kids plus the visiting playdate to WalMart on a Saturday afternoon to get garbage bags or anything else. Or even the grocery store. No way, no how.

I'm so tired I can barely keep my eyes open. And the allergy pill and Nyquil combo from last night isn't helping I don't think.

Calgon, take me away!

The one bright spot in all of this is that Emma got her kip last night!


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