In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Still here

Haven't been blogging much, because when I get time, I'm trying to keep up w /the hsing blog.

Jude is growing, and is over 8 lbs. He still had a heinous diaper rash that I can't get rid of. I gave him some naked time today and he peed about 8 times. Argh!

He's also reached the point where he doesn't just fall asleep, he needs to be slung down or driven in the car to really get deeply enough asleep so that he'll stay there when I lay him down.

We;re going through diapers at an alarming rate, I'm still trying to catch up laundry from the flea debacle and from Soren dumping a pitcher of water into Emma's dresser drawer (yes, an accident, no, I don't know why Emma had a pitcher (small though) of water in her room).

The cat finally seems to be deflead thank goddess.

Apparently my job has been expanded and he has added another person. I can't say I'm thrilled - I would have rather had the hours, but alas, that is not to be.

He also wants to me to teach on Thursday nights. I don't know how I will make that work, quite honestly, with the baby so young. I don't wanna go back to work!

David seems intent on getting his act together in preparation for moving to NY next spring. that has good and bad points to it I'm sure. I'm not up to thinking about it right now.

today is my MIL's birthday. Happy bday Mom Hall!

Anyway, gotta go make food for the girls before I take E. to gymnastics in 1/2 hour. I'm sooo tired. Too much activity this week, too soon, but I don't know what else to do. I really need to start planning meals again too. Can't wait!


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