In My Life

Life from Nov. 1, 2003 - the day I started my new life in Rochester, NY

Saturday, July 30, 2005

out of commission

I can't believe how little time I get at the computer. And I feel guilty about the time I *do* take.

Jude is busy busy busy. The girls are busy busy busy. I might get more time this upcoming week because they are going to Ohio with their dad and Brian and Catherine. I am going to miss them terribly, but maybe I'll get the house clean for a few days. They are really good at trashing it. I plan to pick a room each day and work on it. I dread the playroom.

Today Tom and I went to the Little Finger Lakes festival with our friend Alyce and her daughter May. We ran into our friend Vicky there, with her son Quinn. Much fun was had by all. I have a few baby pictures I'll post later, if later ever comes.

Tom is currently cooking dinner and then we're going to watch the second half of Life Is Beautiful.

Jude is almost walking. He's taken a couple of steps here and there and has started to stand up by himself from the ground up, so to speak. He also stands for longer and longer periods by himself. He is saying words inconsistently. Hot was the new one today. Mama, dada, Emma (for both girls), UhUh for uhoh!, and more. He's just a ton of fun!

Emma is good. she had her TOPS competition today and David said she did "OK," whatever that means.

Um, what else. Not much. Summer fun, mostly :)


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